
*HOT* High Value Zyrtec Coupon = $8 EACH!

by Christie on May 21, 2013

Zyrtec Tablets & Liquid Gels

We have a HOT Zyrtec deal coming up at CVS next week. CVS will have Zyrtec on sale for 2/$30 and we have a HOT new, high value $7/1 Zyrtec Coupon available to print that we can use to score these for just $8 EACH!

CVS Deal (Starting 5/26)
Buy (2) Zyrtec Tablets 30 ct. or Liquid Gels 25 ct., 2/$30
(2) $7/1 any ZYRTEC product 24ct or larger printable
= $16 ($8 EACH)!


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