
BIG NEWS: CVS NEW Corporate Coupon Policy!

by Christie on September 9, 2011

My buddy Kristin at Couponing to Disney just let me know that CVS just released their corporate wide coupon policy! CVS has never really released one, you always had to e-mail them in hopes of getting a response so this is total progress! Be sure to print it and carry it with you!

Basically it reinforces what we knew – but it’s nice to have it in print. Coupons will be adjusted down, you can stack a MQ and a CVS coupon and they accept printable coupons. They didn’t address the B1G1 issue directly but it does state they accept once MQ and one CVS coupon per item you are purchasing and even if the item is B1G1 free you are still purchasing (2). My stores accept (2) coupons on a B1G1 free and I hope this new policy will help those of you whose stores do not.

Here are key points of the policy:

  • In the event that any item’s price is less than the value of the coupon, CVS/pharmacy will accept the coupon only to the price of the item. CVS/pharmacy does not provide cash back in exchange for any coupons.
  • The coupon amount will be reduced if it exceeds the value of the item after other discounts or coupons are applied. (For example, a $5.00 coupon for a $4.99 item will result in a $4.99 coupon value).
  • CVS/pharmacy accepts one third-party manufacturer coupon and applicable CVS/pharmacy coupon(s) for the purchase of a single item, unless prohibited by either coupon offer.
  • CVS/pharmacy accepts valid internet/print at home coupons containing a barcode.

Go here to print your copy of the policy.

(Thanks so much, Couponing to Disney!)


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Melissa September 9, 2011 at 12:09 pm



theresa September 9, 2011 at 12:13 pm

I believe that any company that adjust the coupon price is commiting fraud. They are going to get the full price from the company the redeam them from. You can always put filler in to make the price up. Everybody need to start thinking about how much money the companys are ripping you off and coupon companys off.


Christie September 9, 2011 at 12:46 pm

It is a little odd isn’t it Theresa. I have always been a little perplexed by the companies that adjust coupons because they are getting the full value of the coupon and they aren’t the ones buying it. Maybe if they adjusted the price up it would make more sense to me.


Melissa September 9, 2011 at 1:31 pm

If you have a BOGO problem, ask for the manager. Politely and calmly explain that you are indeed buying 2 items. The first item rings up a more than 1/2 price and the 2nd item rings up a different amount. If they wanted to claim you are getting one for free, then it would ring up full price for the first and $0.00 for for 2nd. Just do not get angry or aggressive but explain reason and common sense to them and usually you get to use the 2nd coupon.


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