
NEW SavingsStar Coupons!

by Christie on December 26, 2011

SavingStarWe have some NEW Saving Star coupons available! If you aren’t already using SavingStar eCoupons, you may want to start. And if you are using it don’t forget to load all the coupons you want on to your card. These are digital coupons and they are one time use, but they add up! 🙂

Here are just a few of the eCoupons available:

Unfamiliar With SavingStar?

SavingStar is a relatively new eCoupon program that is accepted at CVS. You’ll want to sign up with SavingStar and register your CVS card. You’ll be able to load the coupons you want onto your card.

When you are shopping at CVS purchase the items (you can use manufacturer coupons too!) and be sure you have your card scanned. You’ll get a credit for the amount of every ecoupon you used added to your SavingStar account within 5-7 days.

Once you reach $5 in your SavingStar account, you can transfer that money to your bank account, deposit it into your PayPal account, use it towards Amazon or lots of other cool things. SavingStar eCoupons are only available for one time use but when you combine it with manufacturer’s coupons, sales and ECB deals you can really see the savings add up!


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