
FREE Essence of Beauty Products!

by Christie on March 25, 2012

Check out this AWESOME deal Erin found at her store today! She found many of the Essence of Beauty products were marked down to 75% off!

She grabbed two really nice hand soaps reduced by 75% to only $1.04, used the $2/2 coupon in the Reinventing Beauty Magazine and grabbed them each for only .04 each! The coupon (in the winter issue with Jennifer Lopez on the front) expires 3/31 so perfect timing.

CVS Deal
Buy (1) Essence of Beauty Product Clearance as low as $1.04
-$2/2 Essence of Beauty Bath, Body, or Fragrance Reinventing Beauty Winter CVS coupon
Total = .04 EACH

(Thanks so much for the deal & the picture Erin! :-))


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