
Recylebank: New Opportunity to Earn Points!

by Christie on June 9, 2012

It seems like it’s been a while since Recyclebank.com has released new point earning opportunities but today it looks like you can grab 50 new points!

All you need to do is go HERE to sign in or sign up then click on the Earn Points tab located at the top of the page to begin the “That’s my Dad” campaign. Download 5 guides to then be rewarded with your 50 points! Plus, you can even come back each day until Father’s Day to earn 5 more points by completing the small Learn and Earn opportunities.

After receiving your points be sure to browse the Get Rewards section because all of their Father’s Day rewards are 20% off.

Unfamiliar with Recyclebank?
Recyclebank is a great way to receive high value coupons, gift cards, free magazine subscriptions and more just by accumulating points! You can read my post HERE to learn more.


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