
ACT Sensitive Mouthwash Just $1.99 Each

by Christie on July 6, 2012

If you’ve got a shopping trip planned for CVS then you might want to take a look around for this ACT Sensitive Formula mouthwash!

My store has it marked down for just $2.99 (Reg. $5.99) which means yours might have it on clearance as well. If you don’t see a sign, be sure to scan it to check the price. Plus, you can even use the $1/1 coupon below to pick up a bottle for only $1.99 (reg. $5.99).  Here’s how…

CVS Deal
Buy (1) ACT Total Care Sensitive Mouthwash 18oz $2.99
$1/1 ACT® Sensitive Mouthwash 18oz or 33.8oz
TOTAL = $1.99!


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Vic July 8, 2012 at 12:43 pm

Warning: The citrus one pictured here does taste like fruit juice. While the fluoride does the job for my teeth – I find that this variety does nothing to freshen breath and it is is also very tempting to swallow it as it tastes like juice. I wouldn’t recommend this flavor for kids as it is too tempting to swallow it since it tastes so much like fruit juice.


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