
NEW Dial Complete Coupon

by Christie on October 26, 2012

We have a new Dial Complete coupon to print!  When this coupon does show up (which isn’t often) it never lasts long so grab it while you can!

$0.50 off Two (2) Dial Complete Hand Soaps

Drugstore Savings Tip: If you also shop at Rite-Aid you can get a great deal on these this week after this coupon & +Up Rewards, grabbing them for about $0.75 each. Or look for the Halloween or White Tea varieties and grab those for FREE!


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Jean October 28, 2012 at 2:41 am

Gain detergent deal is really good right now. Buy $30 get back $10 EBs. It is on Sale starting tomorrow for about $5.99. There is still $2/2 P&G book coupons around and the new P&G coupon book is in this weekends paper. So it is like getting the Gain detergent for $5.99 – $1.00 coupon x 1/3 or $3.00 a bottle. I didn’t have a problem with the register not recognizing that I spent $30 but they weren’t sure why, so they manually printed my $10 rewards. There are $10 off $50 coupons coming out of the machine, so I bought $30 of Gain, three of the big packs of Scott Paper Towels, and a box of Kleenex to hit the limit, and got all of this for a great steal with my extra coupons, and the $10 off $50. (I got back $10 x 2 rewards from the Scott Paper Towels and Gain). . I did use my Zantac $5.00 off coupon and got RRs on that too. Also, there is a B2 CVS cold products and get $2.00 RR. I also got a $3 off $10 cold medicine purchase, so combining these slips with coupons that are out on cold medicines, it was a great deal. I bought the Advil Congestion medicine with a $1.00 coupon and will get a full rebate when I mail it in. So this was a big money maker with all the discounts.


Jean October 28, 2012 at 2:46 am

The Scott towels deal ended Saturday night, but the combo of Bounty Paper Towels and/or Charmin with the Gain detergent for $10 EB back is a great deal. And there is a $2 off 2 Gain coupon out, and Bounty coupons floating around. If you add on other items to get to $50 then the $10 off $50 coupon can be used.

This weeks circular is only a 4-day sale.



Jean October 28, 2012 at 3:02 am

Sorry…I meant to say that I did have a problem with the Gain deal not printing a $10 EB, so be sure to check for that.


Jean October 28, 2012 at 2:51 am

The Red Machine is printing out a $3 off Schick Quattro or Hydro coupon. I used this with my 20% off coupon for two packages of Schick Quattro disposables, and also a B1/G1 free coupon that is out from RP or SS. The shavers were $8.99, so I got two for $8.99 – $3 – $1.90 or $4.09 for $2.05 each. There are three really nice shavers in each bag. I also combined this in with my Gain detergent deal and items to get to $50, to use my $10 off coupon from the Red Machine, so tonite was a score at CVS


Jean October 28, 2012 at 2:58 am

One last one, I noticed in tomorrows ad that the Advil Congestion Relief and Robitusson is B1/G1 for 50% off. This would be a great time to use a $3.00 off Robitussion coupon, $1.00 of Advil Congestion, use the $3.00 off $10.00 cold remedy coupon from the machine, and then file the full rebate form for the Advil Congestion (which ends soon). This is a money maker. Of course I think I’ve used up my coupons!!!

Also, the small bottles of Dawn diswashing detergent would be about $.35 each starting tomorrow and after rebates. Also, Papers Cruisers are on the same deal, and I saw a $2.00 coupon in this weekend new P&G insert. This would bring the diapers to $8.99 – $2.00 – $6.99 x.67 (cuz of buy $30 get $10 GB)
= $4.66 each.


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