
FREE Clear Hair & Scalp Therapy Travel-Size!

by Christie on December 10, 2012

Here’s a deal that will help stock your travel sized products supply! Next time you’re out shopping, make sure you scan your ExtraCare Card at the CVS Coupon Center to see if you receive this high value $3/1 Clear Shampoo or Conditioner coupon. If so, use it toward the small 3oz bottles to pick one up for FREE! Check it out…

CVS Deal
Buy (1) Clear Hair & Scalp Therapy Shampoo or Conditioner 3oz $2.49
(1) $3/1 Clear Shampoo or Conditioner CVS Coupon Center


{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

Scheria December 10, 2012 at 10:04 pm

I received this q today but did not see any 3oz bottles. Any ideas where to look?


Jennifer December 11, 2012 at 1:01 am

Look in the Aisle where they keep travel size items, some stores have it some stores don’t Hope it helps


Julie December 10, 2012 at 11:02 pm

They were in my CVS, in the travel size aisle.


Malissa December 10, 2012 at 11:08 pm

My CVS in Richmond Hill, Ga. would not let me use it on the travel size but it did NOT say that I couldn’t buy the travel size on the coupon. This has happened more than once at CVS. Can they do this?


Cristina Val December 11, 2012 at 3:22 am

Malissa, they can claim that they have their own coupon policy , this have happen to me in different stores, some are very coupon friendly and others not as much, and it depends what their manager told them etc. Is frustrating but if that happen, I ask them to cancel the item and I take my coupon to other location .


Malissa December 11, 2012 at 7:18 pm

Thanks Cristina. I called corporate who called the manager and she said she didn’t want people wiping out all her travel size shampoos which is no excuse not to give me what is rightfully mine with the correct and NOT saying that I can’t buy the trial size shampoo. This does happen all the time at this CVS and I’ve just given up. Thanks about next weeks coupons. You have to remind them that you CAN stack a CVS coupon AND a manufacturer coupon. This CVS doesn’t like and sometimes WON’T accept a coupon that says for example “redeem at Target etc.” A manufacturer coupon IS a manufacturer coupon! I am sooo tired of feeling that if y’all d coupons they treat you like a thief. I’ve been couponing for 30 years before the program started and it’s ONLY since that stupid program came out and ruined it for all of us that the stores make you feel like…. if you coupon. Helllooo we are couponing BECAUSE WE ARE THE SMARTEST BEANS ON THE BLOCK AND SOME OF US HAVE NO DEBT BECAUSE WE ARRRRRRRRRRE GOOD WITH MONEY!!! Thank you again!!!


Jean December 12, 2012 at 1:47 am

Gosh, I read your comment and feel for you. I have had situations where some store has questioned some coupon that was absolutely legit, and I just say to them…”You want me to use coupons, so don’t make me feel like its a problem using them”, and they seem to get it. I along with other couponers in our area have definitely educated many a CVS or Walgreens sales clerk who rarely understand their own coupon policies. They really need to standardize the policy and have them available for their own staff to review given the turnover. I love a coupon women who are long timers because they finally have the policies in order. I never understand though how to use a B1/G1 50% off, when you have a B1/G1 free coupon. This often happens with razors, and still don’t know after asking clerks. I also tried using two CVS red machine coupons that said $1 off one item on just one item (so would get $2 off) as someone on this site said this could be done. But the registers don’t take it, even though there is no “one coupon per item” policy on the red machine coupons. The sales clerks had no idea but just assumed one coupon per item, but then you can stack $10 off $50 slips, so hmmm. isn’t this two coupons per items.


Cristina Val December 11, 2012 at 3:41 am

Also , Depending of the expiration date in your coupon (i got mine yesterday and the expiration date is 12/17/12).

I’ll hold on to this coupon, to use it next week, since I saw a preview of the CVS ad and they’ll have the Clear Shampoo at $4.99 and you’ll get Clear conditioner for free, (so if you only use this coupon you’ll get a full size Shampoo and full size conditioner for $1 each, but there is also a coupon in the red plum website that is a manufacturer coupon for Clear Shampoo and is a $2 dollars one (it does print with a text that said redeem at dollar general store, but is manufactor ) it may depend of the store to take it, if they do, then is free or even a $2 money maker .


Sarah December 11, 2012 at 9:09 am

Make sure you buy something else in your transaction… I did, and the coupon took off the whole $3, even though the shampoo was only $2.49!


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