
More Magazine Just $5 a Year!

by Christie on February 15, 2013

More Magazine1Here’s a deal that I think is fabulous. You can grab a one year subscription to MORE magazine for just $5! I have to admit, this is one of my favorite magazines! And the funny thing is that I’m not the audience this magazine is actually writing for.

More magazine, which goes by the tag line “for women of style and substance” is  going for the 40+ year old women. But trust me even if you nowhere near 40, there is so much great stuff in this magazine. I has great articles and advice and it’s one of the few magazines I read cover to cover.

I swear I feel smarter after reading it. There’s something to be said about learning from women that are a little older and wiser than you are! You can check it out HERE. It’s totally worth $5 a year and then some!


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