It’s a brand new quarter, which means your quarterly ExtraCare Bucks for the quarter of 1/1/13 – 3/31/13 should be printing or available in your account! To see what your ECB’s are simply go HERE to log into your online account then click on the ‘My Savings & Rewards’ tab. You can either grab them online or scan your card at the CVS Coupon Center in-store.
Keep in mind that the value of your ECB’s will be based off your spending over the past quarter. You’ll get 2% of what you spent back and you’ll also get ECBs for any prescriptions you may have filled. Note that because we couponers like to keep our out of pocket expenses low so that means our quarterly ExtraCare Bucks might be pretty small. Regardless of how much you receive it all adds up! I got a $1.00 which was actually a lot for me. What were your quarterly ECBs?
{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }
I recieved 3 exrta bucks woo yoo plus i had a 10 ebc and 5 off 30 plus coupons bill was 13.92 and i got back 8.99 so it was like only spending 4 something for everything i bought WOO YOO LOVE CVS
i received 8.5 EB!! and a bunch of good coupons ! Thx CVS!
I got $3.50. You only got $1? I don’t know if you qualify to have this blog.
Ha – well I spend so little out of pocket that I don’t get big quarterly ECBS. So actually the more I save the less I get. It’s actually an inverse relationship.
I was back to my regular .50
I got 5.50 and my mom got a 1.00
i got 6.00
Got $9.50
$6.50 here, can you tell I love CVS a little to much!!!!
Mine was for $7.50! Which was good for me, I just really started back into extreme couponing in the last 2 months & have got some great deals thanks to you & some other newsletters. What I am really happy with is the savings reported on CVS receipts, my savings is now up over $1,500!!!
Thank you for all you hard work, keep the newsletters coming!
I got $5.50, which I thought was wrong. I called CVS and found out that you do not earn 2% on any purchases made on sale items. Didn’t know this, did you?