
Kellogg’s Cereal & Cereal Bars Deal = $1.67 EACH!

by Christie on May 8, 2013

Kellogg's Cereal Sale (CVS 5-5)

We have a nice Kellogg’s Special K cereal and cereal bars deal at CVS this week. Kellogg’s Special K Red Berries and Vanilla Almond cereals and Special K Red Berries, Blueberry and Chocolatey Pretzel cereal bars are on sale for 3/$9 with $3 in Extrabucks Rewards. Plus, we have a new $1/3 Special K Cereal RedPlum coupon and a $1/3 Special K Cereal Bars RedPlum coupon available that we can use to grab these for $1.67 EACH!

CVS Deals
Buy (3) Kellogg’s Special K Red Berries or Vanilla Almond Cereals, 3/$9
(1) $1/3 Kellogg’s Special K Cereals, exp. 6/16/13 (RP 05/05/13 R)
Total = $8, Get $3 Extrabucks Rewards
= $5 ($1.67 EACH)!

Buy (3) Kellogg’s Special K Red Berries, Blueberry or Chocolatey Pretzel Cereal Bars, 3/$9
(1) $1/3 Kellogg’s Special K Cereal Bars, Pastry Crisps or Granola Bars, exp. 6/30/13 (RP 05/05/13 R)
Total = $8, Get $3 Extrabucks Rewards
= $5 ($1.67 EACH)!

Be on the lookout for specially marked boxes with a $1/1 Kellogg’s Special K Red Berries coupon or a FREE 1-Year Subscription to Shape Magazine and a chance to win instantly with their $10,000 in prizes giveaway!


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mel May 8, 2013 at 2:17 pm

The deal is more than 1, I believe its a monthly. Not sure on the limit. I found boxes with the $1/1 coupons when I shopped Monday. So when I got home, I cut them off. As I was looking through my mcm coupons, I came across $3/$10 atkins, specialk, slimfast… The coupon wasn’t specific about -what- products (I was assuming the diet foods) So when I went back yesterday, I asked the cashier and she said she’d try to scan it. Well, it went through! I bought 3 boxes of cereal + 1 $1 specK from the dollar spot = $10 – $3/$10 – $3 (4 $1./1) – $3 ECB = $1.
Was hoping to score more boxes with $1/1, but these boxes have codes for a free bottle of Nicole by OPI nail polish! (enter at kelloggsfamilyrewards ; 3 codes = 1 bottle, 8 codes = 3 bottles!)


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