
Nickelodeon Character Labels 140 for Just $5!

by Christie on June 12, 2013

Woo Hoo! The Nickelodeon Character labels are included in the Vistaprint Label deal this time! That means you can grab 140 of these Nickelodeon character labels for just $5 with FREE shipping! They have a ton of different designs to choose from including Dora, SpongeBob & More. I actually made the Sponge Bob ones for myself as address labels last year and they are very cute! 🙂

You can use them to label books or toys, as traditional mailing labels, for labeling baking treats, to label birthday party invites or as personalized TO and FROM labels for gifts.

Just click on this link HERE to check it out. Once you design your labels HERE you can skip all the other offers (unless you see something you want) and your total should be $5 shipped! If you come up with any other cute ideas for these let us know!


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