
Always & Radiant Products As Low As 99¢!

by Christie on August 22, 2013

AlwaysThere’s a nice deal on feminine protection products at CVS.  The Always Infinity, Always Radiant, Tampax Pearl, and Tampax Radiant are on sale for $6.99 and get back $3 ECB.  When you couple that with the high value $2 coupon found in the latest PG Insert, it’s a great deal. Plus some of you got a $1/$3 purchase that includes Always products!

Also, be on the lookout for specially marked boxes on the radiant products that have more radiant coupons inside!  Please note that this is same deal for either pads or tampons.  You can’t get one of each since the limit is 1 per card.

Screen Shot 2013-08-22 at 11.51.57 AMCVS Deals
Buy (1) Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampon box, 32ct, $6.99 Sale Price
$2/1 Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampon or Pearl Liner, exp. 8/31/13 (P&G 07/28/13)
$1/$3 Always, Kotex, Playtex, Poise, Stayfree, Tampax or Tena CVS coupon
Total $3.99 and Get back $3 ECB
= 99¢ EACH (or $1.99 without the CVS coupon)

Buy (1) Always or Infinity Pads box 32ct $6.99 Sale Price
$2/1 Always Infinity Pad, Radiant Pad or Radiant Pantiliner, exp. 8/31/13 (P&G 07/28/13)
$1/$3 Always, Kotex, Playtex, Poise, Stayfree, Tampax or Tena CVS coupon

Total $4.99 and Get back $3 ECB
= 99¢ EACH (or $1.99 without the CVS coupon)


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