
Check Your E-mail! CVS $3 Extrabucks Rewards!

by Christie on August 26, 2013

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Woo Hoo! If you subscribe to CVS emails you’ll probably receive a new $3 Extrabucks Rewards CVS coupon to print or send to your ExtraCare Card! This coupon is for in-store purchases only.

So head on over and check your inbox to see if you got this awesome $3 ECB coupon. If you did, you can take advantage and use it this week to buy any items you may need to get ready for your Labor Day festivities – Labor Day is just around the corner! 😉


{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

Jose August 26, 2013 at 4:14 pm

Got it…


Kymba August 26, 2013 at 7:00 pm

ok, I’ve asked this question on another site but got many different responses so I’m hoping you can clear this up. I use 3 cards, all under different emails, names. I’ve stopped receiving ALL coupons…daily deals, % off, the whole 9 yards. I emailed CVS and they said it’s all based on frequency of shopping. I have over $100 in EB’s. Do they mean I shop there too much and don’t need them? I seriously doubt that’s the case. That would not make any sense at all. Anyway, any insight you could provide would be helpful. Thanks much.


jane August 26, 2013 at 7:45 pm

Hmmmmm….3 different cards under 3 different emails, now I know why their isn’t enough on the shelves for everyone. Gee couldn’t you just be satisfied and get the limit for one card like the rest of us? 🙂


Kymba August 26, 2013 at 11:27 pm

I’m not a shelf clearer, I know better. I use different stores.


Julie August 27, 2013 at 4:29 am

I shop at CVS every week, have hight totals before coupons, and am quite a loyal customer. I, too, get no ECB in e-mail and only get the coupons for the sale items (i.e. the one for the toilet paper this week) when I scan my card at the red machine. It does not even let me scan it twice anymore. My mom, on the other hand, hardly ever shops at CVS and gets all of the great coupons. So, I feel like I am being punished for my loyalty to the store.


Jackie August 27, 2013 at 11:28 am

I haven’t received any “percent off” or “dollars off” coupons from CVS via e-mail or postal mail in 2 months. My sister and my friend, who rarely shops there or spends very little there, receive way better or more coupons than me, week after week. I’m noticing that those coupons are being targeted more often towards those who either spend little or spend way more out of pocket pre-coupon, although they say it’s random. I don’t know…just a thought… 🙂


J. August 27, 2013 at 11:50 am

Hello Kymba,
I have the same problem. I was told my spending was under $200.00 hence why I was not getting the emails. If that doesn’t work I would ask about being taken off the email list and then going back on again. Hope this helps.


estela August 28, 2013 at 1:13 am

It happens to me also but I noticed that I get them for like 3-4 months and then they stop coming for a few months then they come back its weird how it works nd I shop at cvs slot.


Silver August 27, 2013 at 12:16 am

I have $4 off your purchase of $20 from ECB and I sent to card get 25% off last week. Can I use both? How much need to send??? Please help!


J. August 27, 2013 at 11:51 am

In reply to Julie, why don’t you switch cards with the other people.


Cathy August 27, 2013 at 1:01 pm

Ditto. About two months ago I also stopped getting any emails with extra buck offers, etc. and now I hardly get any coupons from the machine. Now I know it’s just not me. I get frustrated when I read about all the emails and coupons others are getting. I used to shop at CVS regularly, but not anymore. Lately, I’ve been getting some good emails from Wallgreens with special offers and seem to do better there.


julene August 30, 2013 at 9:30 am

Same for me. All that comes to my email is on-line offers and I never shop that way. I have borrowed my daughter’s card for the time being. She rarely using it unless I tell her about a deal. She got the recent 3.00 email offer but I did not. I wonder how it would work to cancel one card and get a new one?


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