Be sure to check your e-mail for a 25% off coupon from CVS. Some of you are getting these in your e-mail. This one is good thru 9/1/13 and excludes sale items. You can use it to take advantage of great deals in this weeks ad or save it for Sunday to take advantage of next weeks deals!

CVS 25% OFF Coupons – Check Your E-mail!
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Sorry. This might be a dumb question. If you can not use this on sale items how would you use this percentage off?
Well, you can’t really use it on the deals as it excludes sale items. Just sayin’…
But you can combine this discount with Beauty Bucks and ExtraCare Bucks deals.
There are deals in the ad that you can use it on and get ECB back…like the Colgate spend 10 get 5 ECB, you can use it on that