
Scott Paper towels as low as $3.05 Each

by Christie on August 30, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-08-29 at 7.57.38 PMI love getting paper products at CVS when there is an ExtraBucks deal, only this time I missed it since I bought Revlon instead. The Spend $20 and get $5 ECB or Spend $30 and get $10 ECB deal includes Scott bathroom tissue and Scott paper towels, but it is the same deal as the Revlon.

Please remember that in tiered deals, your ECB won’t print if you’re a few pennies shy of the threshold, but the good thing is that the $1.34 Kleenex is included in the deal.

For those of you who can still do this, here are a some all-paper product scenarios for you to consider:

CVS Deals (thru 08/31)
Buy (5) Scott Paper Towels, Choose-A-Sheet, 6 ct (=9), $4.99 Sale Price
Buy (1) Extra Soft Bathroom Tissue, 18 p, (=36), $7.44 Sale Price
Subtotal = $32.39
(5) $0.50/1 Scott Towels, exp. 9/21/13 (SS 08/11/13)
(1) $0.75/1 Scott Extra Soft Bath Tissue, exp. 9/21/13 (SS 08/11/13)
Total = $29.14 and Get Back $10
= $3.19 each!

Buy (6) Scott Paper Towels, Choose-A-Sheet, 6 ct (=9), $4.99 Sale Price
Buy (1) Kleenex, $1.34 Sale Price
Subtotal = $31.27
(6) $0.50/1 Scott Towels, exp. 9/21/13 (SS 08/11/13)
Total = $28.28 and Get Back $10
= $3.05 each (not including the kleenex)!

Buy (1) Kleenex, $1.34 Sale Price
Buy (4) Extra Soft Bathroom Tissue, 18 p, (=36), $7.44 Sale Price
Subtotal = $31.10
(4) $0.75/1 Scott Extra Soft Bath Tissue, exp. 9/21/13 (SS 08/11/13)
Total = $28.10 and Get Back $10
= $4.53 each (not including the kleenex)!


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