
Campbell’s Chunky Soup as low as $1.25!

by Christie on September 17, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-09-16 at 10.09.09 PMI was really excited to see the Campbell’s 2/$3 sale this week includes both the can and bowl varieties.  There is an insert coupon $0.50/2 and a printable coupon for $0.50/3 here.  Be sure to print it if you don’t have the insert coupon and want these, since printable coupons can disappear without warning.

Buy (2) Campbell’s Chunky soups, 2/$3
(1) $0.50/2 Campbell’s Chunky Soup and Chili, exp. 10/31/13 (SS 09/08/13)
Total = $4
= $1.25 each!

Buy (3) Campbell’s Chunky soups, 2/$3
(1) $0.50 on any (3) Campbell’s soups or chilis (can or bowl varieties)
Total = $4
= $1.33 each!


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