
Speed Stick as low as 9¢ each!

by Christie- on September 24, 2013

Speedstick panorama

Here are a couple of scenario ideas if you are interested in getting only deodorant with the Buy 3 and get $3 ECB or buy 5 and get $6 ECB deal that includes Speed Stick and Lady Speed Stick. This is the same deal as the Softsoap and Irish Spring deal, so please be sure of which deal you would like to do.

There was a coupon in this weekend’s paper; however, since the limit per transaction is 4, you can separate this deal into separate trips, if you’d like. If you buy 3, your $3 ECB will print, and all you have to do is come back and buy another 2, and another $3 will print out. Also, an awesome $1/$5 Deodorant Purchase CRT has been printing from the Coupon Center Kiosk for some people, so if you get this, you can get an even better deal.

CVS Deals (thru 09/28)
Buy (3) Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick, 2/$3.98 Sale Price
(3) $0.50/1 Speed Stick Regular Antiperspirant/Deodorant or Lady Antiperspirant/Deodorant, exp. 10/12/13 (SS 09/22/13)
$1/$5 Deodorant Purchase – Printing from the Coupon Center Kiosk this week
Total = as low as $3.47, Get Back $3 ECBs
= 16¢ each!

You can go back and do this deal below, but if you forget, that’s ok, since you already got the $3 ECB for buying the first 3.

Buy (2) Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick, 2/$3.98 Sale Price
(2) $0.50/1 Speed Stick Regular Antiperspirant/Deodorant or Lady Antiperspirant/Deodorant, exp. 10/12/13 (SS 09/22/13)
Total = $2.98, Get Back $3 ECBs

Total for both trips= $6.45 (w/ CRT) or $7.45 (w/o CRT), and get back $6 ECBs
= 9¢ or 29¢ each!

However, if you receive the $1/$5 Deodorant Purchase from the Coupon Center Kiosk, you can just choose to do one trip and use 4 coupons for convenience:

Buy (5) Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick, 2/$3.98 Sale Price
(4) $0.50/1 Speed Stick Regular Antiperspirant/Deodorant or Lady Antiperspirant/Deodorant, exp. 10/12/13 (SS 09/22/13)
$1/$5 Deodorant Purchase – Printing from the Coupon Center Kiosk this week
Total = as low as $6.95, Get Back $6 ECBs
= 19¢ each!


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Tina September 24, 2013 at 4:02 pm

I don’t know what happened but my SS had absolutely no coupons in it….no huggies/softsoap/speed stick/colgate…I haven’t been able to do any deals this week


Linda September 24, 2013 at 6:21 pm

@Tina I missed the papers this week cuz my hubby forgot to pick them up but I printed and had a lot of coupons needed so I’ll do my traansaction Friday so i can get a few rainchecks! Anyhow, I notice when i purchase my papers for $1.00 from Dollar Tree, It never has the big or good coupons like Almay etc.


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