
Netflix: Grab Your Free Month Trial!

by Christie on October 16, 2013

I am excited to report that Netflix is currently offering a FREE one month Trial. You can check out all kinds of movies and tv shows you missed for FREE or enjoy some great family movie nights or maybe a spooky movie marathon. You can watch the latest movies and TV shows like The Avengers, Cabin in the Woods, Breaking Bad, Parks and Recreation, Walking Dead, Mad Men and more.

I have been using Netflix for the past 10 years. In fact, I have not paid for TV service for the past 9 years! I have saved THOUSANDS of dollars over the past 9 years. Just go HERE to sign up for your FREE trial. Instantly watch unlimited TV episodes & movies over the Internet right on your TV, computer and various mobile devices. Watch instantly on your TV via your Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, network connected Blu-ray players, HDTVs and more.

You can cancel anytime during your FREE 1 month free membership and you will not be charged. To cancel, just click on “Your Account” and follow the instructions.

Spooky MoviesPlus check out the selection of scary movies! You can enjoy a Halloween movie marathon with all the latest spooky movies available. You’ll enjoy a HUGE selection of movies, tv shows and more all for FREE.


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