
Pop tarts Just $1.66 Each until 12/25!

by Christie- on December 9, 2013

Poptarts until 1225-l-3-5Pop tarts are featured in the ad this week, however, these are actually on price cut thru 12/25, plus we have a new printable coupon SAVE $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg’s® Pop-Tarts® toaster pastriesThe coupon may not last that long, however, so be sure to grab it so you can pick them up when you’re next in the store.

CVS Deals (thru 12/25)
Buy (3) Pop tarts, $1.99 Sale Price
(1) SAVE $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg’s® Pop-Tarts® toaster pastries
Total = $4.97
= Just $1.66 EACH!


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