
Whole Mom and Halo: Enter to Win $150 Worth of Halo Dog or Cat Goodies!

by Christie on February 13, 2014


We have the Halo Happy Pet Giveaway going on right now, hosted by Whole Mom on Facebook. You can enter to win $150 Worth of Halo Dog or Cat Goodies for Your Adorable Pet exclusively from Whole Mom and Halo!

All you have to do is “Like” the Whole Mom Facebook Page, fill out the short giveaway entry form, and click on the “Enter” button. That’s it! Plus, if you share this giveaway with your friends and family, you’ll receive bonus entries. You’ll also be given the opportunity to enter to win a Dream Trip to London, so don’t miss out on this!

The entry period for the Halo Happy Pet Giveaway from Halo and Whole Mom is from January 7, 2014 to March 23, 2014 at 11:59 pm PT, so you have some time to enter, but don’t wait too long because you might forget and that would not be good. They will randomly select a winner on March 24, 2014.

Good luck! 🙂


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