
Snicker’s Peanut Butter Squared 40¢ Each!

by Christie- on March 5, 2014

Mars singles 4wThe mars single candy bars are on sale for 77¢ this week. We still have this coupon available, $0.75 When you buy any two (2) SNICKERS Brand Peanut Butter Squared Products (1.78 oz. – 3.56 oz.) (zip 68130). You can use it to grab two bars for just 79¢.

CVS Deals (thru 3/8)
Buy (2) Snicker’s Peanut Butter Squared, 77¢  Sale Price
(1) $0.75 When you buy any two (2) SNICKERS Brand Peanut Butter Squared Products (1.78 oz. – 3.56 oz.) (zip 68130)
Total = 79¢
= 40¢  EACH

COUPON PRINTING TIP: THIS link above should take you straight to the coupon. If it doesn’t, change your zip code to 68130 and come back to THIS link and it should pull up the coupon for you.

Drugstore Savings Tip: Also a Walgreens Shopper? You can grab these for  22¢  each with this same coupon there next week. 

Here are some other Mars singles coupons:


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