
Axe & Clear Scalp Products As Low As $1.04 Each!

by Christie- on April 17, 2014

Axe Clear Scalp panorama7-2wSpend $15 on participating Axe, Degree or Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy items and get $5 ECB. I had a nice surprise on Sunday when I bought this. The limit stated is 1, but when my limit was not reached, I went for another deal. When I did two deals, my receipt does not note limit reached, so I know the limit is at least 3!
axe3Since the products are B1G1 50% off, be sure to buy these in pairs. Unilever has restrictions on their coupons, so here is a scenario if you just want to do one deal; however, if you would like to do all three deals in one trip, skip this one do Transaction #1-3 below.

CVS Deals (thru 4/19)
Buy (2) Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy products, $5.99 B1G1 50% off
Buy (2) Axe Axe Shampoos, Conditioners or 2 in 1s, $6.79  B1G1 50% off
Total = $19.16
(2) $2.50/1 Axe Hair, exp. 4/20/14 (RP 03/23/14)
(2) $2.50/1 Clear Scalp & Hair, exp. 4/20/14 (RP 03/23/14)
Total = $9.16, Get Back $5 ECB
= $4.16 or $1.04 per item!

axe panorama7-3If you’d like to do more deals, here are two more transactions for a total of three deals. Be sure to separate the transactions, so you can roll your $5 ECB; however, you can do all these in one trip since you are not using more than 2 identical coupons in any of these.

Transaction #1
Buy (2) Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy products, $5.99 B1G1 50% off
Buy (2) Axe Body Washes, $4.99  B1G1 50% off
Total = $16.46
(2) $1/1 Axe Shower Gel or Detailer, exp. 4/20/14 (RP 03/23/14)
(2) $2.50/1 Clear Scalp & Hair, exp. 4/20/14 (RP 03/23/14)
Total = $9.46, Get Back $5 ECB
= $4.46 or $1.12 per item!

Transaction #2
Buy (2) Axe AP/Deo, $5.49 B1G1 50% off
Buy (2) Degree Women Motion Sense AP/Deo, $5.79 B1G1 50% off
Total = $16.91
(2) $1/1 Axe Bodyspray, Antiperspirant, and Deodorant, exp. 4/20/14 (RP 03/23/14)
(2) $1.50/1 Degree Woman MotionSense, Ultra Clear, or Clinical, exp. 4/20/14 (RP 03/23/14)
$5 ECB from Transaction #1
Total = $6.91, Get Back $5 ECB

UnileverTransaction #3
Buy (1) Axe Styler, $9.29 B1G1 50% off
Buy (1) Axe Shampoo + Conditioner, $6.79 B1G1 50% off
Total = $12.68
(2) $2.50/1 Axe Hair, exp. 4/20/14 (RP 03/23/14)
$5 ECB from Transaction #2
Total = $2.68, Get Back $5 ECB

Total for all Transactions = $19.05, Keep $5 ECB
= $14.05 for 10 products or $1.41 Each!


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