Here’s a savings code from LivingSocial for the weekend – Save 15% OFF with code DISCOVER! This offer expires 10/12 at midnight and the Maximum discount is $20.
All you have to do is sign-in or register for a new account and choose the deal you’d like to purchase. Then, enter the promo code at checkout and your discount will be reflected on the last confirmation page. LivingSocial is a great way to enjoy dining out, movies, events and family fun for less. For terms go here. Enjoy!
Here’s how to get your Discount:
- Go to
- Add qualifying Deal by clicking “Buy Now” button on the Deal information page.
- Click on “Redeem promo code” during purchase process.
- Enter code “DISCOVER” and hit apply. You may only use this code once.
- The amount of the savings will be reflected on the final purchase confirmation page.
Happy Shopping! 🙂
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