
Save $5 on Aleve Products This Week!

by Christie- on December 2, 2014

New Coupon for $2.79 Aleve!

This $2 Aleve coupon just came back in time for this week’s sale. It’s good on Aleve products (excluding D) 40ct or more, so we can use it on our CVS deal this week!

The Aleve 40-50 ct products are on sale for $3 off this week. The Aleve Caplets, Gelcaps and tablets are regularly priced at $7.79 at my store, though it’s possible your price will vary slightly from mine.

Walgreens Deals (thru 12/6)
Buy (1) Aleve Gelcaps 40ct, tablets or caplets, 50ct, $4.79 ($3 off $7.79 Reg. Price)
(1) $2.00 On any Aleve product 40ct or larger (68130)
Total = $2.79!

aleve savingstarPlus, don’t forget we have this SavingStar offer on Bayer products, including Aleve. Purchases made be made over multiple shopping trips, and you’ll have until 12/31 to reach $25. This has been available for a while, so be sure and check if you had already added this offer and  have made any qualifying purchases until now.


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