
As Seen On TV Products at CVS — Save Up To 50%!

by Christie- on December 11, 2014

As Seen On TV_Panorama9This week you can get some As Seen On TV products for 50% off. Select products are B1G1 Free. The ones pictured above are all $9.99. It’s a better deal if you can find products of equal value. Be sure and scan if you are interested in something. Not all products are included. Or if you are interested in something that does not have a matching price value, think about buying two and giving one as a gift 😉 .

CVS Deals (thru 12/13)
Buy (2) Potato Express, Stufz, Cafe Cup or Ceramic Non-Stick Pancake Maker, $9.99 B1G1 Free
Total = $9.99
= $4.99 EACH or 50% off!

Buh (2) Wax Vacs, $5.99 B1G1 Free
Total = $5.99
= $2.99 EACH or 50% off!


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