We have a new Planters Peanuts coupon available to print today. This is perfect for our upcoming ECB deal next week! So, you’ll want to grab a couple of these coupons.
We have an awesome deal on Planters Peanuts at CVS next week. These will be priced at 2/$6, plus you’ll get a $5 ECB wyb $15. So, after the coupon and ECBs you are paying only $1.60 each!
CVS Deals (Starting 3/15)
Buy (5) Planters Peanuts 2/$6
Total = $15
(2) $1.00 on any (2) PLANTERS Nuts or Peanut Butter (6 oz+) (68130)
Total = $13, Get Back $5 ECB
= Just $1.60 Each!
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