
Coke Multi-Packs Just $2 Each or Less!

by Christie- on April 28, 2015

Coke 12pk dealsIf you are a fan of Coca Cola products, check your local ad for a deal this week. All soda deals are regional, but many of you will have a really nice offer this week.

These are on sale in most areas for 3/$9 and you’ll get a $5 ECB when you buy $15+. My store was limiting you to (3) of the 12pks but you can mix them with other items to get some nice prices. Check out my scenario below.

CVS Deals (thru 5/2)
Buy (3) Coca Cola, 12 pks, 3/$9 Sale Price
Buy (2) Coca Cola, 8 pk . 7.25oz, $2.99 Sale Price
Total = $14.98, Get Back $5 ECB for buying $15
= $9.98 or $2 EACH multipack!

My store actually had peelies on some of the Coke products (some of which were on the products and some which they were keeping behind the counter). If you find them, you can do this…

Buy (3) Coca Cola, 12 pks, 3/$9 Sale Price
Buy (2) Coca Cola, 8 pk . 7.25oz, $2.99 Sale Price
$1/3 Coca-Cola 12 pks or 8 pks Coupon, exp. 6/30/15 — Ask your store!
Total = $13.98, Get Back $5 ECB for buying $15
= $8.98 or $1.80 EACH multipack!

Coke deals & coupon


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Rose Laguerta April 29, 2015 at 8:35 pm

I want all the sales


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