$0.50 on any ONE (1) Kandoo product excl. 42 ct. (68130)
$1.00 off any 3 Gerber Graduates Puffs, Lil’ Crunchies, or Yogurt Melts items (68130)
$2.50 off any EIGHT (8) Gerber Organic pouches (68130)
$5.00 on ONE (1) bottle of GERBER Soothe Colic Drops (68130)
$3.00 on ONE (1) GERBER GOOD START Soothe 22.2 oz. only (68130)
$1.00 off any 3 Gerber Graduates Meals or Sides items (68130)
$1.00 off any 4 Gerber Graduates Grabbers items (68130)
$1.00 off any 2 Gerber or Graduates Yogurt Blends items (68130)
$1.00 on any one (1) Burt’s Bees Baby Bee Product (68130)
$1.00 OFF any ONE (1) Purex Baby Liquid detergent 75oz or larger (68130)
$2.00 Any ONE (1) Similac Large Powder (68130)
$2.00 off any (1) one NUK orthodontic bottle 3-pack (68130)
$3.00 on ONE (1) can of BOUDREAUX’S RASH PREVENTOR (76308)
$1.50 on any Triple Paste (68130)
$3.00 on any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES Diapers (42 ct. or larger) (89502)
$2.00 on any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES Diapers (89502)
$0.50 on any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES Wipes (32 ct. or larger) (89502)
$1.50 on any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES Wipes (180 ct. or higher) (68130)
$2.00 on ONE package of GOODNITES Product Jumbo Pack or larger (68130)
$2.00 on ONE package of GOODNITES Product Jumbo Pack or larger (68130)
$2.00 on any ONE (1) package of PULL-UPS Training Pants (Jumbo Pack+) (89502)
$2.00 on any ONE (1) package of PULL-UPS Training Pants (Jumbo Pack+) (68130)
$1.25 off any TWO (2) Nestle Nestum Cereals (68130)
$0.50 off any ONE (1) Nestle Nestum Cereal (68130)

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