Are you a fan of Almonds? Right now you can grab a great deal at CVS on Blue Diamond Almonds. These are on sale for 2/$5, plus, we have a high value coupon and a Snap cash back offer we can use on these. Put it all together and that brings the price down to just $1.25 each.
CVS Deals (thru 6/20)
Buy (2) Blue Diamond Almonds, 6oz, 2/$5 Sale Price
$1.50/2 Blue Diamond Almonds, exp. 9/1/15 (SS 06/14/15) [5-oz. bags or 6-oz. cans]
Total = $3.50, Get Back $1 (Two 50¢ Snap Deposits)
= $1.25 EACH!

Blue Diamond Almonds $1.25 Each
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