
Sunday Coupon Preview & Newspaper Deals

by Christie on July 11, 2015

Coupon PreviewThis weekend you should be getting (2) inserts – (1) SmartSource and (1) RedPlum. Most of you will have coupons for Bic, Clorox, Starbucks, Gan and more. If you’d like to see a full list of what coupons you may be getting, see the Sunday Coupon preview HERE.

Looking to get multiple inserts delivered to your door? I use Sunday Coupon Inserts. I get my inserts quickly – (usually as early as Monday), and it’s very affordable and convenient. It’s a great way to get those extra inserts each week. If you are looking for individual coupons I recommend MyCouponHunter or eBay HERE!

NEWSPAPER DEALS – If you are looking to save on newspapers or looking for a way to pick up an additional subscription at a discount, checkout Discounted Papers HERE. They offer deals in most parts of the country. I found Discounted Papers to be significantly less expensive that buying directly from my newspaper, which was a nice surprise.


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