I recently signed up for a new Amazon Baby Registry. One of my favorite perks was this FREE Welcome Baby Box (valued at $35) I received for creating a new Amazon Baby Registry. If you missed my news earlier this week we are expecting! So I was thrilled with this very generous freebie! 🙂
All I had to do was head on over HERE and create a registry with items from each department in their registry. Then when it became available (about a month after I created my registry) I added the Free box to my cart and it arrived totally FREE (not even shipping) at my door about a week later. Requirements for getting the baby box may change from time to time, so you’ll want to go HERE to learn what’s currently available.
The contents of the box vary, but mine had full size wipes, a pacifier, bottle, infant formula, diaper cream and more. Plus there are so many different items available on the Amazon registry you are bound to find everything you can possibly need for baby! So if you are expecting or have a friend who is, be sure to go HERE to check it out. Enjoy!
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