
Prevention Magazine Only 58¢ an Issue

by Christie on October 26, 2015

Prevention-6Here’s a great deal on a magazine designed to help you live a better, healthier life! Right now grab Prevention Magazine for just $6.99 a Year. You can order up to 4 years at this price. Just enter coupon code WILDFORCVS at checkout.

Prevention magazine is full of healthy solutions you can live with. Every issue delivers the latest news and trends on health, food and nutrition, family, fitness, and more!

That code will bring the price of Prevention from $16.94 to only $6.99, or 58¢. The cover price for this magazine is $33.45 per year, so this is a great deal. This offer expires at Tuesday 10/27/15 11:59 PM EST so don’t wait if you are interested!

If this isn’t the magazine for you, you can use coupon code: WILDFORCVS to get 20% off most other magazine titles at DiscountMags!


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