75¢ off (2) Bags of Cheeze Doodles
$1.00 on ANY L’Oreal Paris Advanced Haircare product (ets)
75¢ on any TWO Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Bars (68130)
$.50 Off any Treasure Cave Item (68130)
$1.50 on the purchase of any three (3) 12 oz SPAM products
$1.00 OFF any 2 Thomas’ Bagels (22015)
55¢ off (1) Country Crock Product
$1 off (1) Seattle’s Best Coffee Ground or K-cups
Save $2.00 on any South Beach Diet package
Save $1.00 on South Beach Diet Good to go bars
Save $1.50 Off TWO Ziploc Containers (must share – $1 if you don’t)
Save $1.50 on TWO Ziploc Bags when you Share ($1 if you don’t)
Save $1.50 Off TWO (2) Glade Products when you Share ($1 if you don’t)

New Coupons: Cheez Doodles, Kellogg’s, L’Oreal
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