
How to Get your FREE Target Baby Bag!

by Christie on December 16, 2015

Free Target Baby BagTarget, one of my favorite stores, has a great Baby Registry. Plus, check out the fabulous totally FREE Target Baby bag I received just for creating a new Target Baby Registry. If you missed my news earlier HERE – we are expecting!

This is really an awesome freebie and super easy to get. Just go HERE to create your new baby registry. You only have to add a couple of things to get started and it really just takes a minute. Then next time you are at your local store, just to up to Guest Services and ask for your FREE Target Baby Bag for creating your registry. That’s it! 🙂 Once you have your registry you can add items anytime.

So if you are a new mom, or maybe you have a friend or family member who is, you don’t want to miss this deal. The bag has got over $50 worth of coupon savings and free samplesMine had a MAM pacifier, Avent bottle, samples of Dreft, Babyganics, Pampers, Seventh Generation, Honest, Johnson & Johnsons and more. And some awesome high value coupons – like $4 off of Seventh Generation Diapers, $2 off Seventh Generation Wipes and get this – even a coupon for B1G1 FREE Starbucks hand crafted drinks!

Plus Eight weeks before your date, you will also get a coupon to save 15% on any remaining registry items, good in store or online.

And you can manage your Baby Registry from any device, like an iPad or iPhone. Just go HERE to get started and grab your Freebies and Coupons. Enjoy! 🙂


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