$1.55 OFF ONE Pampers Baby Dry Diapers (ets)
$1.50 OFF ONE Pampers UnderJams Absorbent Night Wear (ETS)
$1.50 OFF ONE Pampers Easy Ups Training Pants (ets)
$3.00 OFF TWO Bags OR ONE Box Pampers Swaddlers Diapers (ETS)
75¢ OFF ONE Luvs Diapers (excludes trial/travel size) (68130)
$3.00 on any two (2) PediaSure Products (68130)
$2.00 on ANY ONE (1) Playtex Bottle (1 pk., 3 pk., 5 pk., or Gift Set)
$2.00 on any one (1) Playtex Cup Product (68130)
$2.00 Off (1) PULL-UPS Training Pants or GOODNITES (Jumbo Pack+)
$1.50 OFF any (2) JOHNSON’S and/or DESITIN products (68130)
$2.00 On Any Balmex Diaper Rash Cream (2oz, 4oz or 16oz) (68130)
$2.00 Off Any One (1) Cetaphil Baby Product (19601)
$1.00 off any 3 Gerber Graduates Puffs, Lil’ Crunchies, or Yogurt Melts items
$1.00 off any 2 Gerber or Graduates Yogurt Blends items (68130)
$0.75 off any 1 Gerber Graduates Meals or Sides items (68130)
$2.50 off any 8 Gerber Organic or Gerber Graduates Grabbers Pouches
Get $0.50 Off any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES Wipes (56 ct. or higher)
Get $2.00 Off any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES Diapers (Jumbo pack+)

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