Right now you can grab the 2016 Entertainment Books for just $10 shipped (Reg. $35)! Just go HERE, select your state and city and add an Entertainment Book to your cart. The use the coupon code BOOK10 to get the savings.
You can easily save over that amount using just one coupon inside the Entertainment Book. There are savings for dining out, shopping, travel, movies and more. This should especially come in handy over the summer months. Just go HERE to check it out. This deal ends soon, and some areas may sell out so don’t wait if you are interested. Enjoy!
Entertainment Coupon Book includes:
- Exclusive Buy-1-Get-1 and up to 50% off savings for restaurants, movies, shopping, gift giving, travel and more
- Great local and national coupons
- Access to mobile coupons
- Coupons are valid thru November 2016
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