
Gold Emblem Abound Teas 49¢ Each!

by Christie- on June 28, 2016

gold emblem abound tea dealsThis week you’ll earn $1 Extra Care buck when you buy two participating Gold Emblem Abound products, including the Organic Tea! This one was in the refrigerator at my store and it is priced at $1.49 each. You can use this Gold Emblem abound Grocery or Beverage item coupon. Keep in mind, however, that the limit on the coupon is one per customer. The limit on the ECB deal is one as well.

CVS Deals (thru 7/2)
Buy (2) Gold Emblem Abound Teas 16oz, $1.49 Reg. Price
(1) $1/1 Gold Emblem abound Grocery or Beverage item (Click on Get coupons)
Total = $1.98, Get Back $1 ECB for buying two
= 49¢ each


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