
New Bounty & Charmin Coupon for our ECB Deal!

by Christie on November 27, 2016

charmin-couponsWe have new Charmin and Bounty coupons available to print today! I go thru a lot of extra paper towels this time of year with the extra cooking, baking and cleaning so I’m happy to see these.

$1.00 OFF ONE Charmin Ultra Soft or Strong 6 Mega, 9 Big or 12 Double Roll+
$1.00 OFF ONE Charmin Basic or Essentials Soft or Strong 12ct or larger
$1.00 OFF ONE Bounty Basic Paper Towels 6 ct or larger
$1.00 OFF ONE Bounty Paper Towels 6 ct or larger

Plus, these really come in handy for our ECB deal this week. You’ll earn $5 in ECB WYB $20 of participating products, including Charmin and/or Bounty. So you can get these large packs for $6.49 each. Select two Charmin, two Bounty or mix and match.

CVS Deals
Buy (2) Charmin 16 Double Rolls $9.99 each
OR Buy (2) Bounty 12 Rolls $9.99
(2) $1 off (1) Charmin Ultra Soft or Strong 6 Mega, 9 Big or 12 Double Roll+
OR (2) $1.00 OFF ONE Bounty Paper Towels 6 ct or larger
Total = $17.98, Get Back $5 ECB
= $6.49 Each


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