This week’s ECB deal on greeting cards will vary by region. If your area has Hallmark cards, you’ll earn $3 ECB when you buy (3) cards. These have to be priced at $2 or more. Plus there’s a Hallmark Cards coupon you can use on cards priced at $1.99 or more.
CVS Deals (Thru 12/10)
Buy (3) Hallmark Cards, $2 Reg. Price
(1) $3/3 Hallmark Cards $1.99+
Total = $3, Get Back $3 ECB for buying 3
= Three Free Cards!
If your area has American Greetings, you’ll earn $2 ECB when you buy (3) cards. These have to be priced at $1.99 or more. Plus, there’s an American Greeting Cards coupon you can use on any three cards priced at $1.99 more.
Buy (3) American Greeting Cards, $1.99 Reg. Price
(1) $2/3 American Greeting Cards $1.99+
Total = $3.97, Get Back $2 ECB for buying three
= 66¢ each!
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