
Nabisco Cookies Starting at 41¢!

by Christie- on August 21, 2018

nabisco dealsNabisco Cookies and Crackers are on sale this week B1G1 Free! I was really happy to find the Nutter Butter Go Paks also included in this sale. These are 3.5 oz and are not in the same spot as the cookies aisle. You can use the 75¢/2 Nabisco cookie and cracker coupon on any item 3.5 oz or larger. Base prices vary among all the varieties.

CVS Deals (Thru 8/25)
Buy (2) Nabisco Nutter Butter Bites 3.5oz, $1.57 B1G1 Free Sale Price
(1) 75¢/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products 3.5oz+, exp. 9/22/18 (SS 8/12/18)
Total = 41¢ each

Buy (2) Nabisco Nutter Butter, Lorna Doone or other cookie or cracker product priced at $2.19 B1G1 Free
(1) 75¢/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products 3.5oz+, exp. 9/22/18 (SS 8/12/18)
Total = 72¢ each

Buy (2) Nabisco Oreos or other cookie or cracker product priced at $2.29 B1G1 Free
(1) 75¢/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products 3.5oz+, exp. 9/22/18 (SS 8/12/18)
Total = 77¢ each


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