
Crest Toothpastes Just 33¢ Each!

by Christie- on December 6, 2018

crest toothpasteThis week you’ll earn $5 ECB for buying three select Crest toothpastes. This deal includes a lot of varieties. The limit is two, but remember the Crest coupons have a limit of two identical. There is a Crest Toothpaste coupon available to send to your card that you can use on the third tube! This one was available since last week, so if you won’t see it if you’ve used it. You’ll grab each one for 33¢.

CVS Deals (Thru 12/8)
Buy (3) Crest Pro Health 6.3oz,  Crest Advanced 5.1oz, Crest 3D White 4.8oz, Crest Luxe 3.5oz or  Crest Complete 5.8 oz, $3.99 Sale Price
(2) $2/1 Crest toothpaste 3oz+ excluding cavity, regular, baking soda, tartar control/protection, f&w pep gleem, and kids, exp. 12/8/18 (PG 11/25/18)
(1) $2/1 Crest Toothpaste 3oz+ ets & Cavity/Reg/Baking Soda/Tartar/F&W Pep Gleem/3D Whitening/Gum Detoxify/Gum & Enamel Repair/Kids Send2Card
Total = $5.97, Get back $5 ECB for buying three
= 33¢ each


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