New Huggies coupons popped up this weekend. You’ll want to grab these for next week. You’ll earn $10 ECB for spending $30 on select products including Huggies, Pull-Ups and Goodnites jumbo packs which will be on sale for $11.29 each or 2/$20. Your third item will ring up at $11.29.
CVS Deals (Starting 3/10)
Buy (3) Huggies Diapers, Pull-Ups, or Goodnites jumbo Packs, $11.29 each or 2/$20 Sale Price
(3) $2/1 HUGGIES Diapers (Not valid on 9 ct. or less)
OR $2/1 PULL-UPS Training Pants or GOODNITES Nighttime Pants or Bed Mats (Not valid on 7 ct. or less)
Total = $25.29, Get back $10 ECB For spending $30
= $5.10 each
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