
Honest Company Diapers: BOGO Bundle Code!

by Christie on April 28, 2019

If you have a little one at home, we have a great deal from The Honest Company. For a limited time they are offering a BOGO Bundle Deal! Just go HERE and use the coupon code BABYBOGO at checkout thru 4/30 to get your second month free. Each bundle includes 7 packs of diapers and 4 packs of wipes. Plus they have such cute designs! I really like the honest diapers. I’ve used them in sizes 1 thru 5 and have been very happy with them. I’m currently using them for my second baby. Plus they have some great new summer prints! 🙂

Honest BOGOIf you choose to continue, each month you choose which products you need (and want) and enjoy savings up to 35% off when you bundle, versus ordering items individually. *Please note that by signing up for the Bundle Kits from the Honest Company, you’ll also be automatically enrolled in their monthly service but you can cancel the service at any time for any reason. So be sure to take advantage of this offer to get a super deal on diapers for your little one!


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