
Pampers Jumbo Packs $3.49 Each!

by Christie- on June 15, 2019

Starting tomorrow you’ll earn $5 ECB For spending $20 on select products including Pampers Jumbo Packs! These will  be on sale for $9.99 each. Right now there are different ibottas for Pampers. Some of these are set to run thru the sale period and others are not so be sure to check them. Also, even if they are set to run thru a certain date, they can be removed without notice. Check your ibotta app for the dates, you may only have a couple days to pick them up. Plus there will be a $2 Pampers send2card coupon available to send to your card. IF the ibottas  remain, you could pick these up for $3.49 per pack.

CVS Deals (Starting 6/16 — check your ibotta app for the dates)
Buy (2) Pampers Jumbo Pk 16-35ct· Easy Ups 18-25ct · Splashers 214-24ct or Pure Diapers 20-35ct $9.99 Sale Price
$2/1  Pampers send2card (Available sunday)
Total = $17.98, Get back $5 ECB for spending $20
$6 (Two $3/1 Pampers Swaddlers any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 5)
OR $3/1 Pampers Pure Protection diapers excl 3ct trial excl 5ct
OR $3/1 Pampers Easy Ups any size ibotta deposit limit 5 thru 6/18
OR $3/1 Pampers Cruisers Size 3 25ct, Size 4 22ct, Size 5 19ct or Size 6 16ct excl 360 Fit diapers ibotta deposit (limit 5)
Total = $3.49 each


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