$1.00 ON TWO when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios • Cinnamon Toast Crunch • Lucky Charms • …
$1.00 ON THREE when you buy any THREE Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
$1.00 ON TEN when you buy TEN CUPS any variety Yoplait Yogurt (Includes Original, Light, Whips!, Lactose Free, FruitSide, Greek, …
$1.50 ON TWO when you buy TWO PACKS any variety Yoplait Yogurt Multipack (Includes 8-Pack Fridge Pack, Beverage, Go-GURT, …
50¢ when you buy any TWO (2) SNICKERS Peanut Brownie Squares Single or Share Size (1.20-2.40)
$1.50 off FOUR (4) Lean Cuisine Frozen Items
$1.50 OFF on ONE (1) 4th & Heart Ghee, 6 oz
$0.75 on ONE (1) Hidden Valley Secret Sauce
$1.00 When You Buy TWO (2) Hidden Valley Original Bottled Ranch, Secret Sauce or any Dry and Ready-to-Eat Dips (excludes 1ct Dry Dips
$8.00 off ONE (1) Claritin Base Tabs/LGL 60ct+ (includes Child Chews 60ct.) (excludes Claritin-D)
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$2.00 OFF ONE Metamucil Product (excludes trial/travel size).
$4.00 on any ONE (1) Claritin Base, Claritin-D, Children’s Claritin up to 55ct, excluding 60ct or larger (includes Claritin Cool
$1.00 off any ONE (1) bag of Nutrish Dog Treats

New Coupons – General Mills, Hidden Valley & More!
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