
Haribo $1.17 Each Thru Friday!

by Christie- on April 19, 2021

This week the larger bags of Haribo  are on sale $2.49 each or 3/$5. PLus there are ibottas for select varieties. Be sure to scan with our IBOTTA App to see if your choice of bag is a match. The ibotta reads thru Friday, but BE sure to check the ibotta right before you buy. They can disappear without warning. Add the offer to your list before you buy.

CVS Deals (Thru 4/23– check your ibotta app)
Buy (2) Haribo S’Ghetti 7.2oz, $2.49 each or 3/$5 Sale Price
Total = $5, Get back
$1.50 (Three 50¢/1 Haribo Sour Streamers Zing 3.6/4.5/7.2, Zing Bites 3.5/4.5/7.6 or Zing Sghetti  4/5/7.2 oz ibotta deposit)
= $1.17 each

Buy (2) Haribo Happy Cola 8oz, $2.49 each or 3/$5 Sale Price
Total = $5, Get back
$1.50 (Three 50¢/1 Haribo Happy Cola 4/5/8 oz ibotta deposit)
= $1.17 each


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