Now is a great time to stock up on breakfast at CVS! Quaker Oats and Quaker Instant oatmeal products are on sale B1G1 Free. Plus there are ibotta offers for these. Remember ibottas can be removed without notice. Check right before you buy, and add the offer to your list before you make your purchase.
CVS Deals (Thru 2/11)
Buy (2) Quaker Oats Quick 1 Minute $5.79 B1G1 Free
Total = $5.79, Get back
+3 (Two $1.50/1 Quaker Oatmeal 18oz or 42oz only ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= $1.40 each
Buy (2) Quaker Instant Oatmeal $6.29 B1G1 Free
Total = $6.29, Get back
+$2.50 (Two $1.25/1 Quaker Instant Oatmeal (limit 5)
= $1.90 each
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