
NEW Coupon & Deal for Impress Manicure Products

by Christie on March 1, 2012

There’s a NEW $1/1 coupon for Impress manicure products. We have an ECB deal for these this week, so when you combine both you can get them for $5.49 each.

Buy (2) Impress Nail Kit $7.99
Total = $15.98
(2) $1.00 off one imPRESS Press-on Manicure
Total = $13.98, Get Back $3 ECB
Total = $5.49 EACH


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Kate March 1, 2012 at 11:45 am

Are these worth it? I have 2 peelies for 1.50 off ….has anyone tried them???


Jessica March 1, 2012 at 3:40 pm


Just wanted to let you all know that the limit on the ECB is 2 per household, so you will actually get 6 in ecb wyb 2, making them even cheaper! But check your receipts, because did not print the second ecb, so the cashier had to manually print it for me! Happy CVS’ing!!!


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