
Best CVS Deals & Coupons 7/29

by Christie on July 28, 2012

Here are the best CVS Deals and coupons for 7/29. We have great deals on Bic pens, Milky Way bars, Suave and more.

If there are coupons you didn’t get or are short on coupons, you can try MyCouponHunter or you may want to checkout eBay HERE. You can also check out my coupon database HERE. Happy Shopping! 😉


{ 34 comments… read them below or add one }

Doreen July 28, 2012 at 9:58 pm

Hi Christie, for the Head & Shoulders, we can use the BOGO coupon & the $1 off together right? The BOGO would match up w/the free item and the $1 cpn would go towards the item that we would pay for. Is that right? Also, isn’t the coupon for the BOGO taking off for the full $9.49? If so, would this be FREE?


Jelly July 29, 2012 at 7:09 am

Yes Doreen thats a moneymaker and i all ready did the deal yesterday w no problem. I’m surprised no one is talking abot this deal this week .


lisa July 29, 2012 at 10:27 am

no one is talking about it because it’s wrong. just like people wouldn’t come and talk about shoplifting.


vanessa July 29, 2012 at 8:52 pm

Thats coupon abuse!!!! if u dont know how to use coupons correctly DONT USE THEM!!!!!!!!


Christie July 29, 2012 at 10:22 am

The Buy One Get One FREE coupon is only supposed to be taking off $4.99 the price of the item. And you can’t use both the BOGO and the $1 off together. So…

Buy (6) Head and Shoulders $4.99 each
Total = $29.94
(3) B1G1 Head & Shoulders Product, exp. 7/31/12 (P&G 07/01/12)
= $14.97, Get Back $5 ECB
= $1.66 each


Seth July 29, 2012 at 12:47 pm

I have been able to do this before. I have called corporate about using a BOGO H&S coupon with a $ H&S coupon. They told me that the BOGO only attaches to the one your getting free and the OTHER coupon attaches to the one you are paying for. I was told this by corporate and when trying this in the store I had no problems the manager even checked me out, my coupons were adjusted down manually. So people judge others way to fast on these blog sites. If you don’t know the answers to the questions you have, call corporate and they will answer every single question. I bet several people have abused the H&S bogo coupon when it decucts the full amount of $9.49, and then they don’t even say anything about it. No one is trying to steal anything Lisa and no one is trying to commit coupon fraud Karen. It’s a simple question and no one has to put other people down for asking questions. Some people who coupon can be the rudest just remember we are all here to save money and pass along great deals.


Karen July 29, 2012 at 1:06 pm

I respect what you have to say and agree about calling corporate if you have questions. However, I don’t appreciate being called rude and my comment had nothing to do with a head and shoulders deal. There have been other comments this week from people doing things like using milky way coupons to get free snickers and never purchasing the product specifically stated on the coupon and that is fraud.


lisa July 29, 2012 at 6:36 pm

Sorry but someone coming on here bragging about taking advantage of a Head & Shoulders deal that clearly is misusing the coupon is ridiculous to me.

I have no problem with the comment left by Doreen asking about the coupon. But I do have a problem with someone bragging about doing a deal that’s clearly misusing th coupon.

I’m assuming that since we are all reading this blog – we are all capable of reading and understanding English and Buy one get one free is exactly that. Not buy one and get everything free because I can get away with it. And I agree with Karen – it’s people doing that kind of junk that makes it bad for the rest of us.


Twana July 29, 2012 at 12:42 am

Hi Doreen, if your $1 off coupon is a Manufacture coupon and your BOGO coupon a Manufacture coupon you cannot use them in the same transaction. But if one is a store coupon you can.


Marie July 29, 2012 at 5:50 am

I received a $2 off $8 Body Wash coupon out of the CVS coupon machine last week so if anyone has that it would make the Suave deal even sweeter

This is the deal I’m doing:
(4) Suave Body Wash @ $2.00 = $8.00
(4) Suave Deodorant @ $1.00 = $4.00
Total $12.00
– (4) .75/1 Suave Body Wash Printable Manufacturers Coupon
– (2) $1.00/2 Suave Deodorant Manufacturers Coupon (07/29 P&G)
– (1) $2.00 of $8.00 Body Wash CVS Coupon
I’m paying with $5.00 ECB so there’ll be no OOP
Get Back $4.00 ECB
= .25 each


Marie July 29, 2012 at 5:52 am

ooops…..I guess it’s too early for math lol….after coupons and ECBs the actual cost is $1 so that is about .13 each


Lindy July 29, 2012 at 7:26 am

The printable Suave Body Wash Coupon clearly states: MAXIMUM OF TWO (2) INDENTICAL COUPONS allowed in same shopping trip.


Christie July 29, 2012 at 10:32 am

There’s also a .50/1 Suave Body Wash coupon you can use HERE. I know sometimes I forget to read the fine print too. 😛 They are making it so complicated these days!


Marie August 1, 2012 at 1:04 am

Thank you Christie….I always try to be so careful that I am using the coupon for the correct item that I did not see that it stated limit 2 (I always follow the 4 like coupons per transaction)…I would never intentionally use a coupon incorrectly

Karen July 29, 2012 at 10:36 am

There are so many comments lately from people encouraging coupon fraud and bragging about it. I know that most of us don’t abuse coupons but to those that do you’re risking all of us losing out on the opportunity to use coupons in the future. If you think companies don’t stalk these blog sites and monitor how their coupons are used you’re wrong. Every time coupons are misused it gives companies one more reason to stop releasing them and/or lower their value and for stores to stop accepting them.


Lindy July 29, 2012 at 1:40 pm

this is an exciting week for couponing at CVS, there are a lot of great deals!
my Sunday CVS trip was for 14 Olay items & my OOP was only $11 & I recieved $10 in EBCs 🙂
so $1 PLUS I qualify for 2 of the Olay $10 rebates.

I did 2 transactions (because the P&G coupons are limited to 4 per order). YAY! making my Suave trips tomorrow!


Diane July 29, 2012 at 1:42 pm

Red machine is giving some nice coupons today! I got $3/$15 Tide, Bounty, Charmin, Gillette, Olay, or Pantene. This could pair up nicely with the BOGO Olay q in today’s P&G insert, this week’s ECB deal on Olay, and the $10 Olay rebate! I also received a $5/$15 beauty purchase today, as well as $1/$5 Dawn, Vicks, Puffs, Crest, Cover Girl, or Gillette.


Chelsea July 29, 2012 at 4:05 pm

Can I ask how you did the olay deal?


Lindy July 30, 2012 at 7:18 am

My Olay deal:
(4) Olay Daily Cleansers
(4) Olay Body Washes

Used: (4) Buy Olay daily facials or cleanser, get body bar, body wash, or in-shower body lotion free(up to 5.99), P&G 7/29/12
(1) $4/$20 Tide, Bounty, Charmin, Gillette, Olay, or Pantene CVS coupon
(1) $5 EBC
(1) $2 EBC
$3.96 OOP; get back $5 ECB=$1.04 and then submit for $10 olay rebate.

Deal 2:
My Olay deal:
(3) Olay Daily Cleansers
(3) Olay Body Washes

Used: (3) Buy Olay daily facials or cleanser, get body bar, body wash, or in-shower body lotion free(up to 5.99), P&G 7/29/12
(1) $3/$15 Tide, Bounty, Charmin, Gillette, Olay, or Pantene CVS coupon
(1) $5 Beauty Club ECB
OOP $6.22; get back $5 ECB=$1.22 and then submit for $10 olay rebate.

SO BOTH Cost me $10.28 OOP; $10 ECB & 2 Olay Rebates.

***if you have $3/2 Olay Daily Facial Cleansers, P&G 7/1/12 <you could make these deals even better***


Cris July 30, 2012 at 10:39 am

I thought the limit on this deal was one. Were you using 2 cars to get the ecbs twice?
Also, you suggested using $3/2 with it but just in another post about head and shoulders Christy said you can’t use $/$$ manufacurers coupon with BOGO, can you clarify this please Christy?


Valencia July 30, 2012 at 12:22 pm

Even though it says limit 1, I have been reading where people are saying it is actually limit 2. I did the deal once yesterday and it did not say limit reached.


Lindy July 30, 2012 at 1:24 pm

it is limit 2 according my reciept but also I did one transaction with my CVS card & one with my Husband’s. & you can use a $/# on the purchased product BUT not the free product……

Diane July 29, 2012 at 6:57 pm

Chelsea, this is what I’m going to try:
(4) Olay daily facial cloths @ 3.74=14.96
(4) Olay body wash or bath bar 6 [email protected]=23.96

Use: (4) Buy Olay daily facials or cleanser, get body bar, body wash, or in-shower body lotion free(up to 5.99), P&G 7/29/12
(1) $3/$15 Tide, Bounty, Charmin, Gillette, Olay, or Pantene CVS coupon
(1) $5/$15 Beauty CVS coupon
Total after coupons=$6.96 oop; get back $5 ECB=$1.96 and then submit for $10 olay rebate.
I also have $3 ECB from last week that I could use to lower my oop to $3.96.
I think I can use both $/$15 CVS qs since my total is at least $30. We only need to reach $30 for the Olay rebate, and my total is nearly $39, so I’m sure there are several other great scenario options! Another bonus: This purchase will trigger my $5 Beauty ECB. Hoping there is still product on the shelf when I return tomorrow!


May July 29, 2012 at 10:38 pm

HI, where did you get the Olay Rebate form? I looked for it at cvs.com and didn’t find it…


Ashley July 29, 2012 at 8:20 pm

So I just started using coupons and thanks so much for this wonderful site. Oh my gosh…I used the H&S coupon which is BOGO and priced at my store for $4.98 each. I got both items for free bc the coupon took off the full amount! I did it four times and of course paid tax, will do this again!! Woohoo free shampoo 🙂 stock up time for this chick!


Crystal H. August 1, 2012 at 12:58 am

This is exactly what everyone is talking about above. It is incorrectly using the coupon. The coupon should only deduct the amount of one bottle ($4.98) not the maximum allowed by the coupon. If we continue to use coupons incorrectly then companies will not release decent ones. We’ll continue to get these terrible 25 cent off coupons that P&G has started to release on items that cost an average of $5.00+.

Just because it automatically came off doesn’t make it ok. That is where you should step in and politely let the cashier know the coupon did not take off the correct amount.


kannika July 29, 2012 at 10:50 pm

For the Olay Rebate Form

http://www.olay.com/olay-coupons .


TQ July 30, 2012 at 12:24 pm

Does the Dawn with Olay work for the Olay rebate?


Doreen July 30, 2012 at 1:45 pm

Glad I asked the question about the Head & Shoulders before I did anything just to make sure! Whew! There are some conflicting responses here though.

There are tear pads of the Olay rebate forms by the Olay at my CVS. Just an FYI.

Some people are saying here and on YouTube that they’re going to do the Olay rebate deal twice but it says “limit one rebate per name, address, or envelope”. “Use of multiple addresses or P.O. boxes to obtain additional refunds is fraud and may result in prosecution.”


TQ July 30, 2012 at 2:10 pm

I don’t know about the rebate but you can definitely do the CVS purchase $25 get $5 ECB when you buy Olay at least twice. I did just Olay this morning, got a $5 ECB, and the receipt shows $25 to get next ECB. I wonder if it is just Olay or everything on the page.


lule July 30, 2012 at 2:45 pm

I just read that you can’t use the olay rebate on the free olay body wash! since there are free !!


Lindsey July 30, 2012 at 11:26 pm

Just want to make sure I don’t submit the rebate form and not qualify… where were you able to read about the free washes not counting for the rebate? Thanks! 🙂


lule July 31, 2012 at 12:09 pm

I read it on one of the forums of livingrichwithcoupons.com


Christie August 1, 2012 at 8:03 am

I totally understand. I will say they have made it so much more difficult for us with each coupon being so different with so many different restrictions. It would be so much easier if they all adopted the same rules.


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